WPG Children’s Media

WPG kindermedia Family

I now work as a freelancer for the marketing department of WPG Kindermedia.
But while I was still working in permanent employment at the studio, we started working for WPG Kindermedia in addition to magazines from 2015.
First Leopold and later Ploegsma and Querido Children’s Books.
The latter has been transferred to Singel Publishers since 2018.
And around this time, two new publishers joined.
Namely Condor and Witte Leeuw, for which we also started doing work.


Certificate for the book

Anne, the horse and the river

The Best Edited Books 2017

The Best Edited Books Foundation

The judges chose as the 2017 Best Edited Books

Anne, the horse and the river
Wouter Klootwijk, Enzo Pérès-Labourdette

Publisher: Publisher Leopold, Amsterdam
Design: Nanja Toebak, Den Bosch
Lithography: Studio WPG Kindermedia, Amsterdam (Frank Krijl, Remco Jansen and Guido Vrouwe)
Printing: WILCO BV | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort
Binding: WILCO BV | Boeken & Tijdschriften, Amersfoort

Below is an overview

© WPG Kindermedia – Kinderboeken.nlCondorLeopoldPloegsmaWitte LeeuwPeter PlanZwijsen

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